Blog Category: Typography2

Posters with Photos! Hooray!

By Erika Goering,

I’m thinking about getting rid of the sky (making the background white, perhaps?) to emphasize the shape of the building, and to give me more options for placement (as I wouldn’t have a squared-off sky to worry about). I’ll probably try that next time around.

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Type Comps: Round 2

By Erika Goering,

Top 5 typography compositions: Now with axis lines!

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Type Hierarchy Exercises

By Erika Goering,

These are my favorites.







I just couldn’t choose between these two. They’re both so cool. One is more technological, and the other is architectural. Both are very structured and illustrate Lisa Strausfeld’s interests.

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Typography Process

By Erika Goering,

It’s kind of crazy how my ideas evolved into something totally different since the beginning of this project. I’m always amazed at how much progress I make.

First Round:


Second Round:


Third Round:



Final Crit:



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Typography Inspiration: Dr. Seuss

By Erika Goering,

The symbols from On Beyond Zebra! remind me a lot of the monograms we did last semester. I find this inspirational because it shows that someone as imaginative as Dr. Seuss played with letterforms the same way I have. And it gives me a bit more hope for my own future as a creative person.

…Never mind the fact that On Beyond Zebra! is supposed to be a book for kids ages 6 to 9. They really mean to say it’s for typography students age 19 and up.

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Quotes about design vs. technology

By Erika Goering,

Technology over technique produces emotionless design. — Daniel Mall

You can’t do better design with a computer, but you can speed up your work enormously. — Wim Crouwel

Technical skill is mastery of complexity, while creativity is mastery of simplicity. — Christopher Zeeman

I chose these quotes because they reflect something I’m learning by being at KCAI. Before KCAI, I honestly thought that graphic design was something that people did almost exclusively on a computer. (After all, that’s what I was doing at my job back then.) Analog was old-school. People didn’t do that anymore. (Boy, was I wrong…)

But I now realize design is something that happens conceptually. It’s not tied to any specific medium or tool. And the computer is just that; a tool. As is my Xacto knife. It’s just another way to get something done. It’s the idea and the communication of that idea that really counts. Not how fast my computer is. (Even if it does have a buttery-smooth i7 processor.)

Just because a person is good with computers and design software doesn’t mean they’re good with design. (Photoshop filters, FTW!!!) …Which brings me to my tagline for this project:

Graphic design is not a keyboard & mouse.

I want this tagline to keep people grounded. Just because you own a pirated version of Photoshop doesn’t mean you know how to express an idea.

I feel like I’m fighting the war on bad design.

I hope I’m winning.

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